Web Element Actions


Description: This function is used to enter data in an input type object.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Object Set @value PageName << Hardcoded Input
Object Set Sheet:Column PageName << Input from Datasheet
Object Set %dynamicVar% PageName <<Input from variable

Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded (in this case the data is preceded by a "@"), passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%), as given in the above example.

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, desc = "Enter the value [<Data>] in the Field [<Object>]", input = InputType.YES)
    public void Set() {
        if (elementEnabled()) {
            Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Entered Text '" + Data + "' on '" + ObjectName + "'", Status.DONE);
        } else {
            throw new ElementException(ExceptionType.Element_Not_Enabled, ObjectName);


Description: This function will check if an element exists. If the element exists, data will be set for that element else that step will be ignored.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Object SetIfExists @value PageName << Hardcoded Input
Object SetIfExists Sheet:Column PageName << Input from Datasheet
Object SetIfExists %dynamicVar% PageName <<Input from variable

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, desc = "Enter the value [<Data>] in the [<Object>] if it exists", input = InputType.YES)
    public void SetIfExists() {
        if (Element != null) {
        } else {
            Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Element [" + ObjectName + "] not Exists", Status.DONE);


Description: This function is used to enter data in object and check if the element's value matches with the entered value.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Object SetAndCheck @value PageName << Hardcoded Input
Object SetAndCheck Sheet:Column PageName << Input from Datasheet
Object SetAndCheck %dynamicVar% PageName <<Input from variable

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, desc = "Enter the value [<Data>] in the Field [<Object>] and check [<Data>] matches with [<Object>] value", input = InputType.YES)
    public void SetAndCheck() {
        if (elementEnabled()) {
            if (Element.getAttribute("value").equals(Data)) {
                Report.updateTestLog("Set", "Entered Text '" + Data + "' on '"
                        + ObjectName + "'", Status.DONE);
            } else {
                Report.updateTestLog("Set", "Unable Enter Text '" + Data
                        + "' on '" + ObjectName + "'", Status.FAIL);
        } else {
            throw new ElementException(ExceptionType.Element_Not_Enabled, ObjectName);


Description: This function is used to enter encrypted data to an object

Input Format : @Encrypted text


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Object setEncrypted @value PageName << Hardcoded Input
Object setEncrypted Sheet:Column PageName << Input from Datasheet

Note: If the data is passed from a data sheet, the data in the datasheet should be encrypted. To manually encrypt a data, select the data cell, right click and select Encrypt

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, desc = "Enter the Decrypted value [<Data>] in the Field [<Object>]", input = InputType.YES)
    public void setEncrypted() {
        if (Data != null && Data.matches(".* Enc")) {
            if (elementEnabled()) {
                try {
                    Data = Data.substring(0, Data.lastIndexOf(" Enc"));
                    byte[] valueDecoded = Encryption.getInstance().decrypt(Data).getBytes();
                    Element.sendKeys(new String(valueDecoded));
                    Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Entered Encrypted Text " + Data + " on " + ObjectName, Status.DONE);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    Report.updateTestLog("setEncrypted", ex.getMessage(), Status.FAIL);
                    Logger.getLogger(Basic.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
            } else {
                throw new ElementException(ExceptionType.Element_Not_Enabled, ObjectName);
        } else {
            Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Data not encrypted '" + Data + "'", Status.DEBUG);


Description: This function is used to enter data in an input type object which is adjacent to the provided label type element.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
label object setInputByLabel @value PageName << Hardcoded Input
label object setInputByLabel Sheet:Column PageName << Input from Datasheet
label object setInputByLabel %dynamicVar% PageName <<Input from variable

Corresponding Code:

 @Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, 
            desc ="Set the data [<Data>] to an input element that is adjacent to the provided label element [<Object>]", 
            input =InputType.YES)
    public void setInputByLabel() {
        cc.Element = findInputElementByLabelTextByXpath();
        new Basic(cc).Set();


Description: This function is used to enter data in an input type object using JavaScript. This is useful when selenium functions do not work.

Input Format : @Expected data


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Object setByJS @value PageName << Hardcoded Input
Object setByJS Sheet:Column PageName << Input from Datasheet
Object setByJS %dynamicVar% PageName <<Input from variable

Corresponding Code:

 @Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, desc = "Set [<Data>] on [<Object>]", input = InputType.YES)
    public void setByJS() {
        if (elementPresent()) {
            try {
                JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) Driver;
                js.executeScript("arguments[0].value='" + Data + "'", Element);
                Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Entered Text '" + Data + "' on '" + ObjectName + "'", Status.DONE);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Logger.getLogger(JSCommands.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
                Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Couldn't set value on " + ObjectName + " - Exception " + ex.getMessage(),
        } else {
            throw new ElementException(ElementException.ExceptionType.Element_Not_Found, ObjectName);


Description: This function is used to enter encrypted data to an object using JavaScript. This is useful when selenium functions do not work.

Input Format : @Expected encrypted data


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Object setEncryptedByJS @value PageName << Hardcoded Input
Object setEncryptedByJS Sheet:Column PageName << Input from Datasheet

Corresponding Code:

 @Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, desc = "Set encrypted data on [<Object>]", input=InputType.YES)
    public void setEncryptedByJS() {
        if (Data != null && Data.matches(".* Enc")) {
            if (elementEnabled()) {
                try {
                    Data = Data.substring(0, Data.lastIndexOf(" Enc"));
                    byte[] valueDecoded = Encryption.getInstance().decrypt(Data).getBytes();
                    JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) Driver;
                    js.executeScript("arguments[0].value='" + new String(valueDecoded) + "'", Element);
                    Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Entered Text '" + Data + "' on '" + ObjectName + "'", Status.DONE);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    Report.updateTestLog(Action, ex.getMessage(), Status.FAIL);
                    Logger.getLogger(JSCommands.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
            } else {
                throw new ElementException(ElementException.ExceptionType.Element_Not_Enabled, ObjectName);
        } else {
            Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Data not encrypted '" + Data + "'", Status.DEBUG);


Description: This function is used to perform click operation on a Web Element.


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Object Click PageName

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, desc = "Click the [<Object>] ")
    public void Click() {
        if (elementEnabled()) {
            Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Clicking on " + ObjectName, Status.DONE);
        } else {
            throw new ElementException(ExceptionType.Element_Not_Enabled, ObjectName);


Description: This function is used to perform click operation on a Web Element if the element exists in the DOM. If it does not exist, the step will be ignored.


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Object clickIfExists PageName

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, desc = "Click the [<Object>] if it exists")
    public void ClickIfExists() {
        if (Element != null) {
        } else {
            Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Element [" + ObjectName + "] not Exists", Status.DONE);


Description: This function is used to perform click operation on a Web Element if the element is visible on the page. If it is not visible, the step will be ignored.


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Object ClickIfVisible PageName

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, desc = "Click the [<Object>] if it is displayed")
    public void ClickIfVisible() {
        if (Element != null) {
            if (Element.isDisplayed()) {
            } else {
                Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Element [" + ObjectName + "] not Visible", Status.DONE);
        } else {
            Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Element [" + ObjectName + "] not Exists", Status.DONE);


Description: This function will click an input type element that is adjacent to the provided label type element.


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
label object clickInputByLabel PageName

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, 
            desc ="Click on an element whose label is provided in the [<Object>]"
    public void clickInputByLabel() {
        cc.Element = findInputElementByLabelTextByXpath();
        new Basic(cc).Click();


Description: This function will click an input element that is adjacent to the provided text

Input Format : @Label of the element

ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Browser clickInputByText @value << Hardcoded Input
Browser clickInputByText Sheet:Column << Input from Datasheet
Browser clickInputByText %dynamicVar% <<Input from variable

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.BROWSER, 
            desc ="click on the element whose label is provided in the [<Input>]", 
            input =InputType.YES)
    public void clickInputByText() {
        cc.Element = findInputElementByLabelTextByXpath(Data);
        new Basic(cc).Click();


Description: This function is used to click and wait for the page to be loaded.


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Object clickAndWait PageName

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, desc = "Click the [<Object>] and Wait for Page to be loaded", condition = InputType.OPTIONAL)
    public void clickAndWait() {
        if (Element != null) {
            Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Click and wait for page load is done",
        } else {
            throw new ElementException(ElementException.ExceptionType.Element_Not_Found, Condition);


Description: This function will use JavaScript to click an object. This is useful when selenium functions do not work.


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Object clickByJS PageName

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, desc = "Click on [<Object>]")
    public void clickByJS() {
        if (elementPresent()) {
            try {
                JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) Driver;
                js.executeScript("arguments[0].click();", Element);
                Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Clicked on " + ObjectName, Status.DONE);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Logger.getLogger(JSCommands.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
                Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Couldn't click on " + ObjectName + " - Exception " + ex.getMessage(),
        } else {
            throw new ElementException(ElementException.ExceptionType.Element_Not_Found, ObjectName);


Description: This function is used to click and hold an object.


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Object clickAndHoldElement PageName

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, desc = "Click and hold the [<Object>] element ")
    public void clickAndHoldElement() {
        if (elementEnabled()) {
            new Actions(Driver).clickAndHold(Element).build().perform();
            Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Click and hold done", Status.DONE);
        } else {
            throw new ElementException(ElementException.ExceptionType.Element_Not_Enabled, ObjectName);


Description: This function is used to release the element held by clickAndHoldElement


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Object releaseElement PageName

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM,
            desc = "Release the dragged element over the [<Object>] element ")
    public void releaseElement() {
        if (elementEnabled()) {
            new Actions(Driver).release(Element).build().perform();
            Report.updateTestLog(Action, "releaseElement action is done", Status.DONE);
        } else {
            throw new ElementException(ElementException.ExceptionType.Element_Not_Enabled, ObjectName);


Description: This function is used to perform right click operation on an object or in the browser.


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Object rightClick PageName

Corresponding Code:

@Action(desc = "To Perform Right Click action on WebPage/Element")
    public void rightClick() {
        String desc = "Right click action performed on ";
        Actions action = new Actions(Driver);
        if (Element != null) {
            desc += "Element - " + ObjectName;
        } else {
            desc += "Webpage";
        Report.updateTestLog(Action, desc, Status.DONE);


Description: This function will perform double-click on an object.


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Object doubleClickElement PageName

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, desc = "Double click [<Object>] element")
    public void doubleClickElement() {
        if (elementEnabled()) {
            new Actions(Driver).doubleClick(Element).build().perform();
            Report.updateTestLog("doubleClickElement", "'" + Element
                    + "' is doubleClicked", Status.DONE);
        } else {
            throw new ElementException(ExceptionType.Element_Not_Enabled, ObjectName);


Description: This function will perform submit action on an element.


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Object submit PageName

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, desc = "Submit action on the browser")
    public void Submit() {
        if (elementEnabled()) {
            Report.updateTestLog(Action, "[" + ObjectName + "] Submitted successfully ", Status.DONE);

        } else {
            throw new ElementException(ExceptionType.Element_Not_Enabled, ObjectName);


Description: This function will perform submit action on an element only if it exists in the DOM, else the step will be ignored.


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Object SubmitIfExists PageName

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, desc = "Submit the [<Object>] if it exists")
    public void SubmitIfExists() {
        if (Element != null) {
        } else {
            Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Element [" + ObjectName + "] not Exists", Status.DONE);


Description: This function will perform submit action on an input element adjacent to the provided label element.


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
label object submitInputByLabel PageName

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, desc ="Submit input element adjacent to the provided label element [<Object>]")
    public void submitInputByLabel() {
        cc.Element = findInputElementByLabelTextByXpath();
        new Basic(cc).Submit();


Description: This function will check the specified Checkbox element.


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Object check PageName

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, desc = "Check the [<Object>] element")
    public void check() {
        if (Element != null) {
            if (Element.isEnabled()) {
                if (!Element.isSelected()) {
                if (Element.isSelected()) {
                    Report.updateTestLog("check", "Checkbox '" + Element+ "'  has been selected/checked successfully",Status.DONE);
                } else {
                    Report.updateTestLog("check", "Checkbox '" + Element+ "' couldn't be selected/checked", Status.FAIL);
            } else {
                Report.updateTestLog("check", "Checkbox '" + Element+ "' is not enabled", Status.FAIL);
        } else {
            Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Object [" + ObjectName + "] not found", Status.FAIL);


Description: This function will check all the checkboxes on a page.


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Browser checkAllCheckBoxes

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.BROWSER, desc = "Check all the check boxes in the context")
    public void checkAllCheckBoxes() {
        try {
            List<WebElement> checkboxes = Driver.findElements(By.cssSelector("input[type=checkbox]"));
            if (checkboxes.isEmpty()) {
                Report.updateTestLog(Action, "No Checkbox present in the page", Status.WARNING);
            } else {
                for (WebElement checkbox : checkboxes) {
                    if (checkbox.isDisplayed() && !checkbox.isSelected()) {
                Report.updateTestLog(Action, "All checkboxes are checked", Status.PASS);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Error while checking checkboxes - " + ex, Status.FAIL);
            Logger.getLogger(CheckBox.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);


Description: This function will uncheck the specified Checkbox.


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Object uncheck PageName

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.WEB, desc = "Uncheck the [<Object>] element")
    public void uncheck() {
        if (Element != null) {
            if (Element.isEnabled()) {
                if (Element.isSelected()) {
                if (!Element.isSelected()) {
                    Report.updateTestLog("uncheck", "Checkbox '" + Element+ "'  has been un-checked successfully",Status.DONE);
                } else {
                    Report.updateTestLog("uncheck", "Checkbox '" + Element+ "' couldn't be un-checked", Status.FAIL);
            } else {
                Report.updateTestLog("uncheck", "Checkbox '" + Element+ "' is not enabled", Status.FAIL);
        } else {
            Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Object[" + ObjectName + "] not found", Status.FAIL);