JS Commands
Check here more details
Check here more details
Description: This function will use JavaScript to clear an objects text content (useful when selenium functions do not work).
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference |
Object | clearByJS | PageName |
Corresponding Code:
@Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, desc = "Clear the element [<Object>]")
public void clearByJS() {
if (elementPresent()) {
try {
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) Driver;
js.executeScript("arguments[0].value=''", Element);
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Cleared value from '" + ObjectName + "'", Status.DONE);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.getLogger(JSCommands.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
Report.updateTestLog(Action,"Couldn't clear value on " + ObjectName + " - Exception " + ex.getMessage(), Status.FAIL);
} else {
throw new ElementException(ElementException.ExceptionType.Element_Not_Found, ObjectName);
Description: This function is used to select a given option from a drop down and is useful when selenium functions do not work.
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference | |
Object | selectByJS | @value | PageName | << Hardcoded Input | |
Object | selectByJS | Sheet:Column | PageName | << Input from Datasheet | |
Object | selectByJS | %dynamicVar% | PageName | <<Input from variable |
Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded
(in this case the data is preceded by a "@"), passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name
) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%
), as given in the above example.
Corresponding Code:
@Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, desc = "Select element [<Object>] ", input = InputType.YES)
public void selectByJS() {
if (elementPresent()) {
try {
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) Driver;
Object value = js.executeScript(
"var options=arguments[0].getElementsByTagName('option');" + "for(var i=0;i<options.length;i++)"
+ "{" + "var value=options[i].textContent?options[i].textContent:options[i].innerText;"
+ "if(value.trim()==='" + Data.trim() + "')" + "{"
+ "options[i].setAttribute('selected','selected');" + "return true;" + "}" + "}"
+ "return false;",
if (value != null && value.toString().trim().toLowerCase().equals("true")) {
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Item " + Data + " is selected from" + ObjectName, Status.DONE);
} else {
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Item " + Data + " is not available in the" + ObjectName, Status.FAIL);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.getLogger(JSCommands.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
Report.updateTestLog(Action,"Couldn't select value from " + ObjectName + " - Exception " + ex.getMessage(), Status.FAIL);
} else {
throw new ElementException(ElementException.ExceptionType.Element_Not_Found, ObjectName);
Description: To function uses Javascript to check if the given object is inside the boundary.
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference |
Object | assertInsideBounds | PageName |
Corresponding Code:
@Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, desc = "To check if [<Object>] is inside the boundary ")
public void assertInsideBounds() {
if (elementPresent()) {
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) Driver;
Object value = js.executeScript("" + "return isOutside(arguments[0]);" + "function isOutside(x){"
+ " return x.scrollWidth <= x.offsetWidth;" + "}", Element);
if (value != null && Boolean.valueOf(value.toString())) {
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Element " + ObjectName + " is inside bounds", Status.PASS);
} else {
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Element " + ObjectName + " is outside bounds", Status.FAIL);
} else {
throw new ElementException(ElementException.ExceptionType.Element_Not_Found, ObjectName);
Description: This function is used to execute the JavaScript commands
Input Format : @Javascript
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference | |
Object | executeEval | @value | << Hardcoded Input | ||
Object | executeEval | Sheet:Column | << Input from Datasheet | ||
Object | executeEval | %dynamicVar% | <<Input from variable |
Corresponding Code:
@Action(object = ObjectType.ANY, desc = "To execute the JavaScript commands", input = InputType.YES)
public void executeEval() {
try {
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) Driver;
if (Element != null) {
js.executeScript(Data, Element);
} else {
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Javascript executed", Status.DONE);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.getLogger(JSCommands.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Javascript execution failed", Status.DEBUG);
Description: Function to store a return
value of a Javascript command, in a variable.
For example if you have a variable as 'a' and 'b' and want to add them and store the sum in a variable, you can follow the following syntax.
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference |
Object | storeEval | @var a=20;var b=30;return c=a+b; |
Now the value 50(a+b), will be stored in var.
Input Format : @Javascript
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference | |
Object | storeEval | @value | %var% | << Hardcoded Input | |
Object | storeEval | Sheet:Column | %var% | << Input from Datasheet | |
Object | storeEval | %dynamicVar% | %var% | <<Input from variable |
Corresponding Code:
@Action(object = ObjectType.BROWSER, desc = "Store the result of Javascript expression value in a variable", input = InputType.YES, condition = InputType.YES)
public void storeEval() {
String javaScript = Data;
String variableName = Condition;
if (variableName.matches("%.*%")) {
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) Driver;
addVar(variableName, js.executeScript(javaScript).toString());
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Eval Stored", Status.DONE);
} else {
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Variable format is not correct", Status.FAIL);