Frames and Browser Windows
Description: This function will wait
for the frame to be available and switch to it.
Details : See here
Description: This function is used for switching control to a frame by the frame index
Input Format : @Frame index
. Typically, in an HTML, frame indices start with 0.
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference | |
Browser | switchToFrameByIndex | @value | << Hardcoded Input | ||
Browser | switchToFrameByIndex | Sheet:Column | << Input from Datasheet | ||
Browser | switchToFrameByIndex | %dynamicVar% | <<Input from variable |
Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded
(in this case the data is preceded by a "@"), passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name
) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%
), as given in the above example.
Internally uses the following Selenium
logic for Frame Element
Description: This function is used for switching control to a frame by the frame name
or id
Input Format : @Frame name
or id
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference | |
Browser | switchToFrame | @value | << Hardcoded Input | ||
Browser | switchToFrame | Sheet:Column | << Input from Datasheet | ||
Browser | switchToFrame | %dynamicVar% | <<Input from variable |
Internally uses the following Selenium
logic for Frame Element
Driver.switchTo().frame(strTargetFrame); //strTargetFrame is the `name` or `id`
Description: This function is used for switching control to a window by given index.
Input Format : @WindowIndex
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference | |
Browser | switchToWindowByIndex | @value | << Hardcoded Input | ||
Browser | switchToWindowByIndex | Sheet:Column | << Input from Datasheet | ||
Browser | switchToWindowByIndex | %dynamicVar% | <<Input from variable |
Internally uses the following Selenium
logic for Frame Element
int wndIndex = Integer.parseInt(Data);
Set<String> handles = Driver.getWindowHandles();
if (handles.size() > wndIndex) {
String handle = handles.toArray()[wndIndex].toString();
Description: This function is used for switching control to a Browser Window/Tab by given title.
Input Format : @WindowTitle
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference | |
Browser | switchToWindowByTitle | @value | << Hardcoded Input | ||
Browser | switchToWindowByTitle | Sheet:Column | << Input from Datasheet | ||
Browser | switchToWindowByTitle | %dynamicVar% | <<Input from variable |
Internally uses the following Selenium
Loops through all open Windows and switches to the one where :
Description: This function is used for switching control to another window whose title begins with the provided data.
Input Format : @Starting part of the title
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference | |
Browser | switchToWindowByTitleStartsWith | @value | << Hardcoded Input | ||
Browser | switchToWindowByTitleStartsWith | Sheet:Column | << Input from Datasheet | ||
Browser | switchToWindowByTitleStartsWith | %dynamicVar% | <<Input from variable |
Internally uses the following Selenium
Loops through all open Windows and switches to the one where :
Description: This function is used for switching control to another window whose title contains the provided data.
Input Format : @Partial Text in the Title
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference | |
Browser | switchToWindowByTitleContains | @value | << Hardcoded Input | ||
Browser | switchToWindowByTitleContains | Sheet:Column | << Input from Datasheet | ||
Browser | switchToWindowByTitleContains | %dynamicVar% | <<Input from variable |
Internally uses the following Selenium
Loops through all open Windows and switches to the one where :
Description: This function is used for switching control to another window whose title ends with the provided data
Input Format : @Ending part of the title
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference | |
Browser | switchToWindowByTitleEndsWith | @value | << Hardcoded Input | ||
Browser | switchToWindowByTitleEndsWith | Sheet:Column | << Input from Datasheet | ||
Browser | switchToWindowByTitleEndsWith | %dynamicVar% | <<Input from variable |
Internally uses the following Selenium
Loops through all open Windows and switches to the one where :
Description: This function is used for switching control to another window whose title matches with the provided data (can use regex also).
Input Format : @Expected text
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference | |
Browser | switchToWindowByTitleEndsWith | @value | << Hardcoded Input | ||
Browser | switchToWindowByTitleEndsWith | Sheet:Column | << Input from Datasheet | ||
Browser | switchToWindowByTitleEndsWith | %dynamicVar% | <<Input from variable |
Internally uses the following Selenium
Loops through all open Windows and switches to the one where :
Description: This function is used for switching control to the default window.
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference |
Browser | switchToDefaultContent |
Corresponding Code:
@Action(object = ObjectType.BROWSER, desc ="Switching control to the default window")
public void switchToDefaultContent() {
try {
Report.updateTestLog(Action,"Webdriver switched to default content", Status.DONE);
} catch (Exception e) {
Report.updateTestLog(Action, e.getMessage(),Status.DEBUG);
Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()).log(Level.OFF, null, e);
Description: This function is used to create a new window and then for switching control to the newly created window.
Input Format : @Url
to open after creating a new window. If this input column is empty then empty url will be loaded
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference |
Browser | createAndSwitchToWindow |
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference | |
Browser | createAndSwitchToWindow | @value | << Hardcoded Input | ||
Browser | createAndSwitchToWindow | Sheet:Column | << Input from Datasheet | ||
Browser | createAndSwitchToWindow | %dynamicVar% | <<Input from variable |
Corresponding Code:
@Action(object = ObjectType.BROWSER, desc ="Open a new Browser window", input =InputType.OPTIONAL)
public void createAndSwitchToWindow() {
try {
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) Driver;
js.executeScript("[0])", Data);
Set<String> Handles = Driver.getWindowHandles();
Driver.switchTo().window((String) Handles.toArray()[Handles.size() - 1]);
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "New Window Created and Switched to that ", Status.DONE);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()).log(Level.OFF, null, ex);
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Error in Switching Window -" + ex.getMessage(), Status.DEBUG);
Description: This function will close the current window and switch back to the default window.
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference |
Browser | closeAndSwitchToWindow |
Corresponding Code:
@Action(object = ObjectType.BROWSER, desc ="Close the current window and switch to default window")
public void closeAndSwitchToWindow() {
try {
Driver.switchTo().window((String) Driver.getWindowHandles().toArray()[0]);
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Current Window Closed and Switched to Default window ", Status.DONE);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()).log(Level.OFF, null, ex);
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Error in Switching Window -" + ex.getMessage(), Status.FAIL);