Dynamic Waits


Description: This function is used to change the override the default wait time(Default is 10 seconds) with the provided value. The default wait time for all the wait actions defined after changeWaitTime action will be the same as defined in the changeWaitTime action.

Input Format : @Time in seconds as Integer. Example : 20,30 etc.


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Browser changeWaitTime @value << Hardcoded Input
Browser changeWaitTime Sheet:Column << Input from Datasheet
Browser changeWaitTime %dynamicVar% <<Input from variable

Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded (in this case the data is preceded by a "@"), passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%), as given in the above example.

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.BROWSER, desc = "changing wait time by [<Data>] seconds", input = InputType.YES)
    public void changeWaitTime() {
        try {
            int t = Integer.parseInt(Data);
            if (t > 0) {
                Report.updateTestLog("changeWaitTime", "Wait time changed to "+ t + " second/s", Status.DONE);
            } else {
                Report.updateTestLog("changeWaitTime","Couldn't change Wait time (invalid input)",Status.DEBUG);                        

        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
            Report.updateTestLog("changeWaitTime","Couldn't change Wait time ", Status.DEBUG);
            Logger.getLogger(Basic.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);


Description: This function is used to override the default timeout for web element finding logic(Default is 10 seconds) with the provided value.

Input Format : @Time in seconds as Integer. Example : 20,30 etc.


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Browser setElementTimeOut @value << Hardcoded Input
Browser setElementTimeOut Sheet:Column << Input from Datasheet
Browser setElementTimeOut %dynamicVar% <<Input from variable

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.BROWSER, desc = "Change Default Element finding wait time by [<Data>] seconds", input = InputType.YES)
    public void setElementTimeOut() {
        if (Data != null && Data.matches("[0-9]+")) {
            Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Element Wait time changed to " + Data + " second/s", Status.DONE);
        } else {
            Report.updateTestLog(Action,"Couldn't change Element Wait time (invalid input) " + Data,Status.DEBUG);

Difference between the changeWaitTime and setElementTimeOut actions

  • The changeWaitTime action is used to change the default wait time (10 seconds) for all the wait actions. Once the default wait time is changed using this action, all the wait actions used subsequently will have an explicit timeout for that set duration.

  • The setElementTimeout action is used to change the default time (10 seconds) taken to find an object in your application during execution. Once the default time is changed using this action, for each step following that action will try to find the object within the specified time duration before performing the respective action on that object. If the object cannot be found within the specified time frame, an exception will be thrown.

Note: The wait time(changeWaitTime) and the element wait time(setElementTimeOut) can also be set from the UI be navigating to Configurations-> Options.


Description: This function will wait till the element is visible on the screen. The default wait time for all elements is 10 seconds, which can be overriden using the changeWaitTime action


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Object waitForElementToBeVisible PageName

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, desc = "Wait for [<Object>] to be visible ", condition = InputType.OPTIONAL)
    public void waitForElementToBeVisible() {
        waitForElement(WaitType.VISIBLE, "'"+ this.ObjectName+ "' Element becomes visible in stipulated time");

Internally uses the following Selenium logic :



Description: This function will wait till the element is no longer visible on the screen.


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Object waitForElementToBeInVisible PageName

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, desc = "Wait for [<Object>] to be invisible ", condition = InputType.OPTIONAL)
    public void waitForElementToBeInVisible() {
        waitForElement(WaitType.INVISIBLE, "'"+ this.ObjectName+ "' Element becomes invisible in stipulated time");

Internally uses the following Selenium logic :



Description: This function will wait till the element becomes clickable.


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Object waitForElementToBeClickable PageName

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, desc = "Wait for [<Object>] to be clickable ", condition = InputType.OPTIONAL)
    public void waitForElementToBeClickable() {
        waitForElement(WaitType.CLICKABLE, "'"+ this.ObjectName+ "' Element becomes Clickable in stipulated time");

Internally uses the following Selenium logic :



Description: This function will wait till the specified element is selected


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Object waitForElementToBeSelected PageName

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, desc = "Wait for [<Object>] to be selected ", condition = InputType.OPTIONAL)
    public void waitForElementToBeSelected() {
        waitForElement(WaitType.SELECTED, "'"+ this.ObjectName+ "' Element Selected in stipulated time");

Internally uses the following Selenium logic :



Description: This function will wait till the element contains the given text

Input Format : @ExpectedText


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Object waitForElementToContainText @value PageName << Hardcoded Input
Object waitForElementToContainText Sheet:Column PageName << Input from Datasheet
Object waitForElementToContainText %dynamicVar% PageName <<Input from variable

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, desc = "Wait for element: [<Object>] to contain text [<Data>]", condition = InputType.OPTIONAL, input = InputType.YES)
    public void waitForElementToContainText() {
        waitForElement(WaitType.TEXT_CONTAINS, "'"+ this.ObjectName + "' Element contained the text: "+ Data + " in stipulated Time");

Internally uses the following Selenium logic :

wait.until(ExpectedConditions.textToBePresentInElement(Element, Data))


Description: This function will wait till the element contains the given value

Input Format : @ExpectedValue

ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Object waitForElementToContainValue @value PageName << Hardcoded Input
Object waitForElementToContainValue Sheet:Column PageName << Input from Datasheet
Object waitForElementToContainValue %dynamicVar% PageName <<Input from variable

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, desc = "Wait for [<Object>] element to contain value: [<Data>]", condition = InputType.OPTIONAL, input = InputType.YES)
    public void waitForElementToContainValue() {
        waitForElement(WaitType.VALUE_CONTAINS, "'"+ this.ObjectName + "' Element contained the value: "+ Data + " in stipulated Time");

Internally uses the following Selenium logic :

wait.until(ExpectedConditions.textToBePresentInElementValue(Element, Data))


Description: This function will wait till the element loads in the DOM.


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Object waitForElementToBePresent PageName

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, desc = "Wait  for the element [<Object>] to be present", condition = InputType.OPTIONAL)
    public void waitForElementToBePresent() {
        try {
            Element = AObject.findElement(ObjectName, Reference);
            if (Element != null) {
                Report.updateTestLog(Action, "'" + this.ObjectName+ "' Element Present in the stipulated time", Status.PASS);
            } else {
                throw new ElementException(ElementException.ExceptionType.Element_Not_Found, Condition);

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()).log(Level.OFF, null, ex);
            throw new ForcedException(Action,ex.getMessage());


Description: This function will wait for the frame to be available and switch to it.

Input: @id or name or index [This is only applicable when the ObjectName is set as Browser]

The input is optional if you choose to give the web element (the frame itself) under the ObjectName.This element can be added as an object under the Object repository.



ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Browser waitForFrameAndSwitch frame id or name or index


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Frame Object waitForFrameAndSwitch PageName

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.ANY, desc = "Wait for Frame To Be Available and Switch to it",input=InputType.OPTIONAL,
            condition = InputType.OPTIONAL)
    public void waitForFrameAndSwitch() {
        if (Element != null) {
            waitFor(WaitType.FRAME_EL, "Switched to Frame By Object '"+ ObjectName + "' in stipulated Time");
        } else if (Data != null) {
            if (Data.matches("[0-9]+")) {
                waitFor(WaitType.FRAME_IND, "Switched to Frame By Index '"+ Data + "' in stipulated Time");
            } else {
                waitFor(WaitType.FRAME_STR, "Switched to Frame By Value '"+ Data + "' in stipulated Time");

Internally uses the following Selenium logic for Frame Element:


Internally uses the following Selenium logic for Frame index:

wait.until(ExpectedConditions.frameToBeAvailableAndSwitchToIt(Integer.valueOf(Data, 0)))

Internally uses the following Selenium logic for Frame name:



Description: This function will wait till the page is loaded. Note: This is not for Ajax calls


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Browser waitForPageLoaded

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.BROWSER, desc = "Wait for Page to be loaded", condition = InputType.OPTIONAL)
    public void waitForPageLoaded() {
        waitFor(WaitType.CUSTOM_SCRIPT,"Page load completed in stipulated time",
                "return document.readyState==='complete'");

Internally uses the following javascript logic to check for the page readiness:

return document.readyState==='complete'


Description: This function will wait for alert to appear on the page.


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Browser waitForAlertPresent

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.BROWSER, desc = "Wait for alert to be present ", condition = InputType.OPTIONAL)
    public void waitForAlertPresent() {
        waitFor(WaitType.ALERT_PRESENT,"Alert popped up in stipulated time");

Internally uses the following Selenium logic :



Description: This function will wait till the title of the page matches with the given text.

Input Format : @ExpectedPageTitle


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Browser waitForTitleToBe @value << Hardcoded Input
Browser waitForTitleToBe Sheet:Column << Input from Datasheet
Browser waitForTitleToBe %dynamicVar% <<Input from variable

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.BROWSER, desc = "Wait for page's title to be [<Data>]", input = InputType.YES, condition = InputType.OPTIONAL)
    public void waitForTitleToBe() {
        waitFor(WaitType.TITLE_IS,"Title Equals '"+ Data + "' in stipulated Time");

Internally uses the following Selenium logic :



Description: This function will wait till the title of the page has the given text.

Input Format : @Full or Partial text of the Title


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Browser waitForTitleToContain @value << Hardcoded Input
Browser waitForTitleToContain Sheet:Column << Input from Datasheet
Browser waitForTitleToContain %dynamicVar% <<Input from variable

Corresponding Code:

    @Action(object = ObjectType.BROWSER, desc = "Wait for page's title to contain [<Data>]", condition = InputType.OPTIONAL, input = InputType.YES)
    public void waitForTitleToContain() {
        waitFor(WaitType.TITLE_CONTAINS,"Title Contains the value '"+ Data + "' in stipulated Time");

Internally uses the following Selenium logic :



Description: This function will wait till the given JavaScript returns true. It is applicable only for JavaScript functions that return a boolean value.

Input Format : @Javascript to evaluate


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Browser waitTillCustomScript @value << Hardcoded Input
Browser waitTillCustomScript Sheet:Column << Input from Datasheet
Browser waitTillCustomScript %dynamicVar% <<Input from variable

Corresponding Code:

    @Action(object = ObjectType.BROWSER, desc = "Wait till the given javascript condition [<Data>] returns true", input = InputType.YES, condition = InputType.OPTIONAL)
    public void waitTillCustomScript() {
        if (Data != null && !Data.trim().isEmpty()) {
            if (Data.contains("return")) {
                waitFor(WaitType.CUSTOM_SCRIPT,"Condition passed in stipulated time",Data);
            } else {
                Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Javascript condition should have atleast one return and the condtion should return Boolean value", Status.DEBUG);
        } else {
            Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Include a proper javascript condition to check", Status.DEBUG);

Internally uses the following logic :

    private ExpectedCondition<?> getCustomCondition(final String javascript) {
        return new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() {
            public Boolean apply(WebDriver driver) {
                return (Boolean) ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(javascript);


Description: This function will wait till the element selection becomes true


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Object waitForElementSelectionToBeTrue PageName

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, desc = "Wait for [<Object>] element to be selected: [<Data>]", condition = InputType.OPTIONAL)
    public void waitForElementSelectionToBeTrue() {
        waitForElement(WaitType.EL_SELECT_TRUE, "'"+ this.ObjectName + "' Element got Selected in the stipulated time");

Internally uses the following Selenium logic :

wait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementSelectionStateToBe(Element, true))


Description: This function will wait till the element selection becomes false.


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Object waitForElementSelectionToBeFalse PageName

Corresponding Code:

 @Action(object = ObjectType.SELENIUM, desc = "Wait for [<Object>] element to be deselected", condition = InputType.OPTIONAL)
    public void waitForElementSelectionToBeFalse() {
        waitForElement(WaitType.EL_SELECT_FALSE, "'"+ this.ObjectName+ "' Element got Deselected in the stipulated time");

Internally uses the following Selenium logic :

wait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementSelectionStateToBe(Element, false))