Additional Assertions


Description: This function will check if the page source content of the current page is matching with the expected page source content provided by the user.

Input Format : @Expected PageSource content


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Object assertPageSource @value PageName << Hardcoded Input
Object assertPageSource Sheet:Column PageName << Input from Datasheet
Object assertPageSource %dynamicVar% PageName <<Input from variable

Corresponding Code:

    @Action(object = ObjectType.BROWSER, desc = "Assert if Page source of current page is: [<Data>]", input = InputType.YES)
    public void assertPageSource() {
        if (Driver.getPageSource().equals(Data)) {
            Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Current Page Source is matched with the expected Page Source", Status.DONE);
        } else {
            throw new ForcedException(Action, "Current Page Source doesn't match with the expected Page Source");

Description: This function will check if the text of the input element adjacent to provided label element equals the given text(in the Input Column)


ObjectName Input Condition
Object @value
Object Sheet:Column
Object %dynamicVar%


Description: This function will assert a stored variable's value with the value given by the user.

Input Format : @%var_name%=Expected Value


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Browser assertVariable @value PageName << Hardcoded Input
Browser assertVariable Sheet:Column PageName << Input from Datasheet
Browser assertVariable %dynamicVar% PageName <<Input from variable

Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded (in this case the data is preceded by a "@"), passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%), as given in the above example.

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.BROWSER,desc = "Assert if Key:Value -> [<Data>] is valid",input = InputType.YES)
    public void assertVariable() throws RuntimeException {
        try {
            String strObj = Data;
            String[] strTemp = strObj.split("=", 2);
            String strAns = strTemp[0].matches("%.+%") ? getVar(strTemp[0]) : strTemp[0];
            if (strAns.equals(strTemp[1])) {
                System.out.println("Condition '" + Input + "' is true ");
                Report.updateTestLog("assertVariable","Variable matched with Provided data", Status.PASS);

            } else {
                 System.out.println("Condition '" + Input + "' is false ");
                throw new Exception("Variable did not match with provided data");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(Assertions.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
            throw new ForcedException("assertVariable", ex.getMessage());


Description: This function will assert the presence of a cookie by it's specified name and store the result in a variable.

Input Format : @CookieName


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Browser assertCookiePresent @value %variable% PageName << Hardcoded Input
Browser assertCookiePresent Sheet:Column %variable% PageName << Input from Datasheet
Browser assertCookiePresent %dynamicVar% %variable% PageName <<Input from variable

Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded (in this case the data is preceded by a "@"), passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%), as given in the above example.

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.BROWSER, desc = "Assert if cookie name: [<Data>] is present", input = InputType.YES)
    public void assertCookiePresent() {
        try {
            String strCookieName = Data;
            if ((Driver.manage().getCookieNamed(strCookieName) != null)) {
                System.out.println("assertCookiePresent Passed");
                Report.updateTestLog("assertCookiePresent","Cookie name matched with the data provided",Status.PASS);
            } else {
                throw new Exception("Cookie name did not match with data provided");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            System.out.println("assertCookiePresent Failed");
            Logger.getLogger(Assertions.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
            throw new ForcedException("assertCookiePresent", ex.getMessage());


Description: This function will assert the cookie's (the name of the cookie is given is specified in the input column) value with the one in the input column

Input Format : @CookieName:CookieValue


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Browser assertCookieByName @data PageName << Hardcoded Input

Inputs in the Input column can be passed from hardcoded (in this case the data is preceded by a "@"), as given in the above example.

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.BROWSER, desc = "Assert if cookie: [<Object>] has name: [<Data>]", input = InputType.YES)
    public void assertCookieByName() {
        try {

            String strCookieName = Data.split(":", 2)[0];
            String strCookieValue = Data.split(":", 2)[1];
            if (Driver.manage().getCookieNamed(strCookieName) != null) {
                if ((Driver.manage().getCookieNamed(strCookieName).getValue().equals(strCookieValue))) {
                    System.out.println("assertCookieByName Passed");
                    Report.updateTestLog("assertCookieByName","Cookie name matched with provided data",Status.PASS);

                } else {
                    throw new Exception("Cookie value did not match with provided data");
            } else {
                throw new Exception("Cookie  with the name '" + strCookieName + "' did not exist");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            System.out.println("assertCookieByName Failed");
            Logger.getLogger(Assertions.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
            throw new ForcedException("assertCookieByName", ex.getMessage());


Description: This function will assert the text present in alert with the given text.

Input Format : @Expected Text


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Browser assertAlertText @value PageName << Hardcoded Input
Browser assertAlertText Sheet:Column PageName << Input from Datasheet
Browser assertAlertText %dynamicVar% PageName <<Input from variable

Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded (in this case the data is preceded by a "@"), passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%), as given in the above example.

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.BROWSER, desc = "Assert if an alert with text: [<Data>] is present", input = InputType.YES)
    public void assertAlertText() {

        try {
            String strExpAlertText = Data;
            if (isAlertPresent()) {
                if ((Driver.switchTo().alert().getText().equals(strExpAlertText))) {
                    System.out.println("assertAlertText Passed");
                    Report.updateTestLog("assertAlertText","Alert text matched with provided data",Status.PASSNS);
                } else {
                    throw new Exception("Alert text did not match with the provided data");
            } else {
                throw new Exception("Alert not present");

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            System.out.println("assertAlertText Failed");
            Logger.getLogger(Assertions.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
            throw new ForcedException("assertAlertText", ex.getMessage());


Description: This function will assert the presence of an alert


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Browser assertAlertPresent

Corresponding Code:

 @Action(object = ObjectType.BROWSER, desc = "Assert if an alert is present ")
    public void assertAlertPresent() {
        try {
            if ((isAlertPresent())) {
                System.out.println("assertAIertPresent Passed");
                Report.updateTestLog("assertAIertPresent", "Alert present",Status.PASSNS);
            } else {
                throw new Exception("Alert not present");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            System.out.println("assertAIertPresent Failed");
            Logger.getLogger(Assertions.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
            throw new ForcedException("assertAIertPresent", ex.getMessage());


Description: This function will assert if the evaluated javascript expression equals the expected value provided.

Input Format : @javascript:expectedvalue.


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Browser assertEval @value PageName << Hardcoded Input
Browser assertEval Sheet:Column PageName << Input from Datasheet
Browser assertEval %dynamicVar% PageName <<Input from variable

Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded (in this case the data is preceded by a "@"), passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%), as given in the above example.

Corresponding Code:

@Action(object = ObjectType.BROWSER,desc = "Assert if the evaluated javascript expression equals [<Data>]",input = InputType.YES)
    public void assertEval() {
        try {
            JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) Driver;

            String strExpScript = Data.split(":", 2)[0];
            String strExpValue = Data.split(":", 2)[1];
            Object result = js.executeScript(strExpScript);
            if (result != null && result.toString().trim().equals(strExpValue)) {
                System.out.println("assertEval Passed");
                Report.updateTestLog("assertEval","JS script return value matched with the expected result",Status.DONE);
            } else {
                throw new Exception("JS script return value did not match with the expected result");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            System.out.println("assertEval Failed");
            Logger.getLogger(Assertions.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
            throw new ForcedException("assertEval", ex.getMessage());


Description: This function will check if the variable given in the condition column has a value equals to the value from the datasheet mentioned in the input column.

Input Format : Datasheet name:Column name

Condition Format: %Variable name%


ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Browser assertVariableFromDataSheet Sheet:Column %variable% PageName << Input from Datasheet

Inputs in the Input column can be either passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name) as given in the above example.

Corresponding Code:

8@Action(object = ObjectType.BROWSER,
            desc = "Assert if  the  variable value matches with given value from datasheet(variable:datasheet->  [<Data>] )",
            input = InputType.YES,
            condition = InputType.YES)
    public void assertVariableFromDataSheet() throws RuntimeException {
        try {
            String strAns = getVar(Condition);
            if (strAns.equals(Data)) {
                System.out.println("Variable " + Condition + " equals " + Input);
                Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Variable is matched with the expected result", Status.DONE);

            } else {
                System.out.println("Variable " + Condition + " is not equal " + Input);
                throw new ForcedException(Action, "Variable did not match with provided data");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Logger.getLogger(Assertions.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, e);
            throw new ForcedException("assertVariableFromDataSheet", e.getMessage());